Last RC Diocese to receive arms
Lyon and Unicorn were in Ayr today to present two grants of arms: arguably the most historic of all the Scottish dioceses, Galloway was presented with its arms in St Margaret's Cathedral, Ayr, in front of a large gathering, predominantly of schoolchildren from the four Catholic High Schools in the Diocese - St Joseph's College, Dumfries, St. Joseph's Academy, Kilmarnock, St Matthew's Academy, Saltcoats and Queen Margaret Academy, Ayr.
During the ceremony, a sixth-former from each school read a paper describing the symbolism behind the coat of arms. At the same ceremony, which was enlivened with hymns, prayers and scripture readings, Lyon also presented Bishop William Nolan with his personal grant of arms.
During the ceremony, a sixth-former from each school read a paper describing the symbolism behind the coat of arms. At the same ceremony, which was enlivened with hymns, prayers and scripture readings, Lyon also presented Bishop William Nolan with his personal grant of arms.
The photographs were taken by Paul McSherry.
Two other items of interest in what was a most uplifting and prayerful service devised by Father Stephen McGrattan, were the heraldic stole with the Kirkmadrine Cross being worn by one of the canons and the beautiful crozier presented to the then bishop in the 1890s by St Joseph's College, Dumfries. The central figure of the crook is St Ninian holding the "Candida Casa" of Galloway, while the staff is encircled by a group of Scottish saints.