Venerable Order of St John

  James Bingham KStJ, Director of Ceremonies to the Priory of Scotland of the Venerable Order of St John, has produced a very interesting new book on the stallplates of the Order displayed in the Chapter Room of the Order in Edinburgh.

The book includes full colour photographs of all the existing coats of arms of the Knights and Dames of the Order of St John in Scotland.

In his introduction to the book, Prior Mark Strudwick KStJ says: “This fascinating book shows very clearly the people - and often the families too - who have supported the work of our Order down more than three quarters of a century.

“Until now, the heraldry of our Chapter Room has been an untold story. I am most grateful to Jim Bingham, our Director of Ceremonies, for all his work in preparation of this informative and well-illustrated book.”

The book is priced £9.95 + postage and can be ordered online by clicking the link below.

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